ce que je retiens de la vie à 34ans


move move move! Never forget your body, it is as important as your relationships, projects, and your thoughts

try to find time to move and do yoga every day: projects are great but you don’t develop projects to kill your health

integrate friends and family into your schedule every day: you don’t work on your projects to forget important people in your life

  • accept you don’t control anything • accept our systems are fucked and you can’t heal everything • accept you are not a hero like you thought you could become younger
  • you are a human living system and you are fucked as all systems around you • everything is beautiful but you can’t see it yet • you are on your way but you can’t feel it yet

In conclusion for today, take care of your body your family, and your friends. Accept all it remains as it is and just do your best.

#Afairepousser pour Prendre soin de soi

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