extrait 1 du mooc regenerative design

design régénératif - système complexe - bio-inspiration - 1.2-4 Regeneration (mooc chapter)

  • sustainability is not enough
  • regenerative is not another keyword for consultant

life journey to novelty

  • we need to find a way to fit humanity inside the pattern of life to survive and live well
  • need to realign with ancient regenerative knowledges

a cell need to be regenerative in the context of it human body


“Instead of doing less damage to the environment, it is necessary to learn how we can participate with the environment — using the health of ecological systems as a basis for design. […] The shift from a fragmented worldview to a whole systems mental model is the significant leap our culture must make — framing and understanding living system interrelationships in an integrated way. A place-based approach is one way to achieve this understanding. […] Our role, as designers and stakeholders is to shift our relationship to one that creates a whole system of mutually beneficial relationships.” — Bill Reed

  • the pathway from sustainability to regeneration
  • concept “regenerative”, and how it differs from sustainability
  • my answer to these questions

  • _the three horizons introduce a possibility to link people who are in H1 H2 and H3 and understand their complementarities._I see an interesting

  • connexion between this framework and the Design Fiction recipe so I will test it together.

  • “it is necessary to learn how we can participate with the environment”

  • we are part of the living, in service… - it is a big mindset shift for lot of people…

  • “The shift from a fragmented worldview to a whole systems mental model is the significant leap our culture must make”

  • shift from “outcome thinking” to “capacity thinking”
  • shift from “product thinking” to “process thinking”

  • maybe what can help is to introduce new jobs ideas

  • product designer to process designer > to regenerative process designer
  • for #business dev > no longer promise deliverables but the fact of empowering employees and the organization thanks to the work to be done

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